creating parts you cannot find
I retired a few years ago and love motorcycling. On my bucket list was to obtain the Advanced Motorcycling Certification with I.A.M in the UK. The one to one tuition is just brilliant and the confidence and safety it builds into you are legendary. Two years later I did my Masters with them.........boy that teaches you a thing or two!
However I also enjoy engineering from a background many years ago as a Diamond Toolmaker. Solving problems that cannot be bought off the shelf has kept me busy. These are some of those products.


Alan - Darlington - England
Normski - thank you for your service and prompt delivery!
Paul - La Quinta -CA​
Wish to send you a big thanks for this mount on my 2009 BMW R1200RT. This will be so convenient now to have my phone in place and use it as a road map or answering phone calls. As you can see from the photos even though I wasn't sitting on the bike all of the instruments I can still see with the phone in place. I used the short ram extension for this mount.

Rafael - Puebia, Mexico ​
Hi Norman, I applied a little pressure and felt it going in. On the side of the nut the bolt came through 2-3mm so I could barely fit the nut, but I thought I would just tighten it up and everything fell into place! I can't believe it! I am really happy!
After having a BMW GS and fitting it out like Star Trek I was suddenly in a dilemma as to where to mount anything on my 2018 RT1200 LC and then on my 2022 1250GS. Now the 2023 Goldwing. The problem was not having round handlebars on the RT and Goldwing, as many owners have discovered. There are a few mounts made but they obscure the dashboard......not good. So with a little thought I found some ideas that really worked. I did this just for myself but from a small YouTube video I have sold hundreds of units throughout the UK, USA, Mexico, Canada, the Far East and Europe since 2019. Watch the YouTube videos below by just hitting the button.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any comments, questions, or special requests. Don't forget to tell me the year and model of your bike.
Sentosa, Ankerbold Road, Old Tupton,
Chesterfield, S42 6BX, UK
07484 268442